You shut your dirty hooker mouth right now!
No. But seriously. I think this, of all of the criticisms that Lucy gets, is the most frustrating. It is also, just after being called weak, the most common one. Ignoring the suckiness of slut-shaming, this accusation is ridiculous because it has absolutely no base.
1. Can you really single one person out as a slut/whore/what-have-you in an anime that is heavy with fanservice?
"Herpderp, Lucy is a slut!"
"Really? Why do you say that?"
"She dresses in really revealing clothes and her boobs are always in your face!"
"She dresses in really revealing clothes and her boobs are always in your face!"
"Huh. What about Erza, Mirajane, and pretty much everyone else in the series?"
"What do you mean?"
This is what I mean:
But, of course, Lucy is the only one who is a slut. I wish there wasn't as much as fanservice like a lot of other fans, but how does it even make sense to hate one character for something pretty much all of the female characters are guilty of? Mirajane had a fanservice battle with what's-her-name from that-one-guild, and yet, I don't think I've ever encountered her being called a slut.
I've seen Lucy compared to Lisanna in this aspect, too (once again because of shipping wars). The common thing to say is that Lucy is just a fanservice character, while Lisanna is cute and isn't used for fanservice.
Isn't used for fanservice?
Oops. That outfit is skimpier than what Lucy wears generally. And, she is a cosplaying fetish dream. She just doesn't have as much screen time.
All of these characters have other aspects to them. None of them are merely fanservice characters. They all have (mostly tragic) backstories, personalities, strengths, and weaknesses. Lucy has such a developed and complex character...I don't understand how anyone can accuse her of existing solely for fanservice. She's what introduces us to the rest of Fairy Tail. We're following her adventure and it seems experiencing what she's written. She's thoughtful, compassionate, smart, tough, loving, lovable, kind, creative, gentle, perceptive, fierce...frankly, it's insulting to Mashima to say she is only for fanservice.
2. We want girls to be comfortable and happy with their bodies, but then we call girls who are these things sluts? Wut.
Another reason that Lucy is given the slut-label is because she is confident with her body. She likes how she looks and isn't ashamed of her body. Like with the fanservice, Lucy is not alone in this. Fairy Tail women are all very confident and comfortable with themselves. Even Juvia, who often wears clothes that cover most of her body, doesn't shy away from instances where she reveals her body (swimsuits, etc) and has even asked Gray (to no avail) if he wanted to be the first person to see her in her new swimsuit.
Lucy also 'uses' her body in attempt to win or get what she wants.
Firstly, she doesn't actually sell her body. She doesn't exchange sexual favors for things. Typically, she is doing so for a distraction. Which, why wouldn't you use what you've got if you're in danger? And, it's also one of the many Fairy Tail gags. How often does this actually work? Never. Why? I would venture to say it doesn't work because Lucy has no experience in being seductive. She is innocent and naive and is doing what she thinks is 'sexy'. She generally gets more attention when she isn't trying.
Secondly, must I reference the Mirajane fanservice fight again?
3. How can someone who has never had a boyfriend, who is a virgin, and has never even kissed a person be a slut?
Yup, this naive and inexperienced girl is a huge-o slutbag.
In summary: Lucy isn't a slut. You can't single her out. Liking yourself isn't a crime. She is a complex character. Lisanna is fanservice-y too. Just...don't call people sluts, k? Even if they are a slut, what's it to you?